In Conversation with MOTHER SPF: VRG GRL

The collective mission for VRG GRL is to inspire creativity & confidence. We all have those days when our confidence is suddenly lacking, what's your favourite way to quickly boost your confidence? and foster creativity?
For everyone this is different, for us putting on some good music, a feel good outfit and calling your bestie to chat always helps when you are feeling a bit blue.
What have you learnt about running your own successful business, has anything surprised you or anything you wished you knew sooner?
Some things when running your own business can't be planned for, always staying educated is super important and the biggest thing that we have learnt is to stay focused on your dream and to make sure that you build an amazing team to support you.
What are your tips for staying calm and collected when things go wrong?
Talk it out with people you trust, sometimes in amongst chaos something amazing comes out of it.
Do you have any must have rituals to help set your day up for success?
We are both different, for Nat it's making sure no matter what time I need to leave the house, my morning routine of some quiet time and cup of tea always remains the same, for Dan its making sure that I have an organised task list for my day so i don't have thoughts scrambling around in my head.
Can you recommend any good apps/books/resources etc that have massively helped you along the way? (either from a business POV or personal POV)
We love these two books Good to Great - Jim Collins and Start with Why - Simon Sinek and listen to the business of fashion drive podcast and how I built this - super inspiring!
The best advice you have ever received? (both personal and business)
Personally and through our business we love to live by, 'It's always more blessed to give, than to receive'
Lastly, what can we expect to see in your beach bag this summer?
A luxe beach towel, usually by Lucy Folk or Missoni, Loewe Sunglasses, our VRG GRL sarong, favourite Sun Hat, a linen throw over shirt, a big bottle of water, and of course MOTHER SPF.