One of my favourite parts about MOTHER SPF is connecting with you, our supportive conscious community.
With that in mind, I would love to share what I am reading, listening, following and loving each month, in the hopes that they might provide you with some joy and inspiration too.
Hanging by a Thread by Erin Deering.
Erin co-founded swimwear brand Triangl. This is the story of building a business from scratch, selling one bikini a day to making over US $200,000 in the same 24 hours, and the devastating toll it took upon her mental health.
Dark Waters tells the true story of the lawyer who took chemical giant DuPont to court and won. A class action suit representing 70,000 people living near a chemical plant that allegedly contaminated the drinking water with PFOA, a toxic chemical used in the production of Teflon.
Those people claimed they had contracted diseases, among them kidney cancer and testicular cancer, from chemicals DuPont allegedly knew had been dangerous for decades, yet still allowed to contaminate their drinking water anyway.
P.S It’s on Netflix.
Whilst we have already mentioned her book, she is also fab to follow on instagram.
Erin is very insightful about mental health, business advice and has recently shared her experience with skin cancer. If you’re reading this and haven’t had a recent skin check, get one ASAP! And don’t forget to wear MOTHER SPF everyday.
Baxter Blue Light Blocking Glasses
We are spending more time than ever before on screens. Wearing blue light blocking glasses helps you sleep better with less headaches and less digital eye strain.
P.S Don’t forget that your skin also needs protection from blue light. Recent research shows us that blue light can penetrate deeper into the skin than UV rays can. This is why we created MOTHER OF PEARL, our blue light blocking drops with a side of bronzed dewy skin.
Or should we say drinking? Here is our Go-to summer smoothie recipe by the experts in gut health, The Beauty Chef. We interviewed Carla all about beauty, and how her definition of beauty has changed over time. A soft and beautiful interview here
Leaving you with this months quote
If you don't take care of your body, where are you going to live? ~ Kobi Yamada