Self-Isolation Tips To Avoid Going Insane

Currently, we are amid a global pandemic of a scale that none of us have lived through before. COVID-19 means it’s likely you’re going to be inclined to spend more time at home (if circumstances prevail) than usual. Whether you’re cooped up with a loved one or riding it out solo, chances are, boredom will set in. In the interest of your physical and mental health, we’ve compiled a list of things we’ll be doing to curb the boredom and loneliness.
Watching shows that have nothing to do with the news
A lengthy but necessary sub-category. If spending time getting deep into the corners of Netflix, opt for watches that add little pressure/anxiety to the current situation, our favourite mindless or comforting watches: The Great British Bake off, Broad City, Friends, Sex Education.
Powering through the books you’ve been meaning to read
Think of this as the time to crack into all the books you said you’d start reading this year but haven’t (at all). Anything by Sally Rooney, Zadie Smith, Toni Morrison or Ben Lerner has our tick of approval.
The food/hospitality industry will be hit hard in this time. Purchase some cookbooks from restaurant owning chefs (like Estela NYC, SIMPLE by Ottolenghi) or subscribe to digital and print food publications like Bon Appetit or NY Times Cooking, and get throw down in the kitchen. When this is all over you can host a dinner party for your friends and actually make something edible.
A nuanced and overused term if we’ve ever seen one. However, this is a perfect time to delve into lengthy skin care routines, adopt an at-home yoga practice, and make sure your space is feeling clean and cozy.
Organize and prioritize
Hello there, all the things you’ve been meaning to do your whole life but have been putting off! So nice to get acquainted. Use this time productively, we promise your mental health will be better for it. Clean those cupboards, organize that wardrobe, write that business plan for that company you’ve always wanted to get off the ground. Use this horrible time as a gift.